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Chinese translation for "radial motion"


Related Translations:
radial:  adj.1.光线的;光线状的。2.放射的,辐射(状)的。3.镭的。4.【数学】半径的;【物理学】径向的;【解剖学】桡骨的;【植物;植物学】射出花的,射出状的。n.1.放射部。2.桡骨神经[动脉]。3.子午线轮胎。adv.-ly
radial tire:  放射状轮胎。
radial heating:  辐射能热。
radial drill:  旋臂钻床。
radial flux:  【物理学】辐射通量。
radial arrangement:  【植物;植物学】间隔排列。
radial axle:  转向轴。
radial engine:  星形发动机。
radial velocity:  径向速度;【天文学】视向速度。
radial ply tire:  放射状轮胎。
Example Sentences:
1.The radial motion will not only bring the range ambulation and windage to the one - dimension range - profile , but also bring the aberrance and blur produced on given condition that radar signal which is with large product of wide - time and wide - band
2.Strong and high effective mixing of swzzero gravity particle mixer can meet your demand . two mixing axles make a equal speed and reverse rotation in horizontal tube . oars on mixing axle make the materials do radial motion , circular motion and axial motion . in a short time , the particle can be stirred homoginously . nozzel on cover of tube can be used when the solid is mixed with liquid
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